Crystal Studio Lite
Crystal Studio Lite is a light edition with basic features for crystallography. It provides functionalities for 3D viewing,
editing and manipulation, plotting powder XRD and electron diffraction patterns, plotting stereographic projections
and reciprocal lattices, etc. Suitable for students or teaching with limited budgets.
Crystal Studio Standard
Crystal Studio Standard is the standard edition that has most of the features described in the features page
except for those advanced features for the Professional, Enterprise and Quantum editions described below.
Crystal Studio Professional
Cystal Studio Professional is the standard edition plus an extended Crystal Structure Database
with about 3,500 common crystal structures and advanced features as follows:
- Plot powder XRD patterns for phase mixtures.
- Save an animation sequence of 36 images for building animations for presentations.
- Added a macro molecule view that combines a tree view and a 3D view. The tree view
contains the primary and secondary structure items, the 3D view plots the correspondent view in the 3D view.
- Import mmCIF and PDB files.
- Create twins and plot matrix/twin combined diffraction patterns, stereographic projections and reciprocal lattices.
- Build phase epitaxy and plot matrix/2nd phase combined diffraction patterns, stereographic projections and reciprocal lattices.
- 2-D real and reciprocal lattices for surfaces to aid surface RHEED analysis.
- Video clip recording as AVI files or a series of image files.
- Save POV Ray(TM) Tracing scene files and/or directly render into images with POV Ray(TM) material textures and high resolutions.
- The powder pattern view has commands for importing experimental or theoretical patterns for comparison.
File formats can be imported include: (.dat), (.dif), (.pks), (.csv) and (.txt) files ect. Crystal Studio automatically
detects the different file formats and import them.
- Directly invoke BALLView (a GPL Macromolecular Package) with current file.
- Video clip recording as AVI files or a series of image files for the Reciprocal Lattice View and TEM tilt experiment.
Crystal Studio Enterprise
Cystal Studio enterprise edition is added in Version 5.0. It is a networked version for group users to share a central server database.
Users can choose to use local database or the central server database. It can also be used by single users.
It has an extended Crystal Structure Database with about 6,000 common crystal structures. It has all the features for professional edition
plus extra advanced features as follows:
- Choose to use local or central server database.
- XRD pattern search/match engine: input a pattern, the program will search and match in the database
to find the matching phase or phases, it can then plot the XRD pattern from search results for comparision
and/or create new files to plot 3D crystal view of the matching phase or phases.
- View composition, add up to 4 views (one main and three sub views) from different files into a scene
(combo view) and manupilate them to form an ideal image.
Crystal Studio Quantum
Cystal Studio Quantum edition is introduced in Version 11. It has all the features for Crystal Studio Enterprise
plus extra advanced features as follows:
- Easy graphical user interface for Abinit first principle simulation.
- 2D chart view for post-processing of Abinit first principle simulation results.
- 3D graph view for post-processing of Abinit first principle simulation results.
- Automatic generation of Abinit first principle simulation input file and Editing of the input file
(can be used to run Abinit on Unix or Linux systems).
VirtuaLabs is a Client/Server networked version. It uses Cystal Studio Quantum as the Client and VirtuaLabs Server as the Server
to run ABINIT first principle simulations on UNIX or LINUX clusters. It has all the features for Crystal Studio Quantum
plus extra advanced features as follows:
- Easy graphical user interface for remote Abinit first principle simulation using the latest version.
- 2D chart view for post-processing of remote Abinit first principle simulation results.
- 3D graph view for post-processing of remote Abinit first principle simulation results.
- Automatic generation of Abinit first principle simulation input file and Editing of the input file
for used to run Abinit on remote Unix or Linux systems.