Version 12 enhances the graphics capabilities on the foundation of the powerful Version 11. New Features for Crystal Studio Version 12 are as follows:
Save images in PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and GIF format inside Crystal Studio for all graphical views including 3D Crystal/Molecule View, 3D Reciprocal Lattice View, 3D Abinit Density/Potential Graph, 2D Abinit Chart View, Powder Diffraction Pattern View, Zone Axis Electron Diffraction Pattern View and Stereographic Projection View.
Save high resolution images in PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and GIF format inside Crystal Studio for all graphical views. Available for Professional, Enterprise and Quantum editions only.
All curves in all graphical views are now antialiased and smoothed for high quality graphics.XRD Pattern of Al2MgO4
Save images with transparent background for all the graphical views.
Selection of Fonts and Colors for Axis Labels and Axis Titles for all 2D graphical views and use of ClearType fonts for better quality.Line Distribution of Electron Density for Silicon
Added 3D graph view for plotting electron density and/or potentials from Abinit simulation results. Available for the Quantum editions only.Plane Distribution of the Total Kohn-Sham Potential for Silicon
Added 2D chart view for plotting line distribution of electron density and/or potentials from Abinit simulation results. Available for the Quantum editions only.Line Distribution of the Potentials for Silicon
Plotting of 3D optimized cell by Abinit. Available for the Quantum editions only.
Movable inner and outer circles for HOLZs for the zone axis electron diffraction pattern view.HOLZ Pattern of La2CuO4
Powder pattern profiles can now be filled with colors.XRD Pattern for Silicon
Added a property window for the 3D crystal view to display crystallographic information for the current crystal structure in the view. This means that users can switch between the original 3D View properties window and the new crystallographic information property window.