Version 13 added modelling tools for molecules. New Features for Crystal Studio Version 13 are as follows:
Add fragments to molecule according to bond length, bond angles, handedness and rotation about connection bond.Two Alanine Added to two benzene rings, respectively
The Import CIF File feature is enhanced to import CIF files for organic molecules.
The structure or cluster to be pasted can be transformed to align its axes to the direction defined by two selected atoms in the matrix structure and then assembled to the matrix struxture.Assembly of a Carbon Nanotube to the Center of a DNA Double Helixes
Save POV-Ray Tracing animations as high quality video clips with textures.Download an example animation
In the Powder Diffraction Pattern view, translational symmetry can be removed to include all atoms in the calculation of powder diffraction patterns.
Commands are added for going to several crystal or molecule structure databases on the internet to search for crystal or molecule structures.
Abinit first principle simulation is upgraded to use Version 6.4.3 for 32 bit Windows (64 bit Windows still use Version 5.8.4). Available for the Quantum editions only.
Adjustable depth fading effect can be turned on for more 3D realism.
Apart from the major upgrades listed above, micellaneous enhancements or revision were also performed.